Thursday, April 25, 2013

My New Beginning

My name is Mary Zapp and I was encouraged to begin this journey in creating this blog along with many other women who have chosen to do so.

To begin my post I have to go back several years ago around the year 2002 when I was encouraged by two wonderful ladies that I met.  Let's just say somewhere around the month of June 2002 my husband was visited by one of his dearest and closest friend Donald "D" Garcia.  Along with Donald came his wife Linda, and their 2 best friend's Blinky and Lilly Rodriguez. 

As we sat and talked and got to know each other we realized we were unique and special ladies, we each had a story to tell that were greatly influenced by our husbands.  During our time of conversation, Lilly said to me "Mary you have got to minister and share with other women who are also married to ex-convicts and are living a changed life!"  I told her "maybe someday, but not now".  Linda (Dee's wife) expressed to me that there was a great need because of the lifestyles our husbands had in the past.  Many women need to hear and share with one another as a way of becoming stronger and influential to others like us.  As you can imagine where I am going with this.  Here I am today, over 11 years later beginning this new journey and hoping and praying I can be of encouragement to somebody!

I am encouraged greatly by the word of God, this is my source and breath of life, this is what brings a genuine smile to my heart and soul. Today I would like to reflect on a story of Mary and Martha: 
 Luke 10:38:40
Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word  But 
Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?  bid her therefore that she help me.
In this story we can learn so much.  I personally would like to focus on Mary,(not because that's my name), simply because she knew in her heart what the most important thing in life at that moment was, it was to sit at the feet of Jesus and "listen" to his voice, and his words of life!

Oh how precious is the thought of being able to sit at our Lord's feet today and not have a worry in this world because you are in the presence of your master, Lord and savior! The thought came to me, "there's so much to do, so many concerns, so many burdens" especially as a woman of God, a wife and a mother we are good at trying to take on the whole world......but my heart said "wait....sit at the feet of Jesus and listen!"

Verse 41 & 42 in Luke 10 goes on to say:
And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:  But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Yes, Martha, was a doer and very capable of doing her daily task, along with having strong organizational skills, but yet her sister Mary's interest were simply to hear what Jesus had to say!  To learn from the Master!  Jesus went on to say Mary had made the better choice!

My desire is to learn from the Master and share with you what is in my heart in hopes that it will be a blessing and encourage someone today!

Beauty from Ashes

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